Saturday, May 27, 2006


Oh my god! I just made myself the tastiest soup eva!

I couldn’t find anything to eat but found a knorr sweetcorn soup packet lying near the stove. I wanted to eat something bad, (the main reason why I am so... ah hell, fat!) so started off to make the normal soup, following the instructions on the rear of the packet. It was going well till I realized the amount of water was more than required. Then I remembered what my cousin did when that happened and followed her foot steps. Cutting short here is the recipe. BTW her soups taste first class!


Ingredients :
½ Packet Knorr Sweet corn soup powder.
350-400ml water.
½ beaten egg. (Beat a full egg and then throw away half :P)
Pinch of Aginomoto or I think its called China salt.
¼ teaspoon of soya sauce.
1½ teaspoon of Maggi chilli-tomato sauce.

Start making the soup as instructed on the back of the packet. Then when its ½ way through, a stage where its not too watery nor too thick, dump in the soya and the chilly sauces, the aginomoto, and mix them up well. Then when its fairy hot and when you can hear bubbles popping, start rotating vigorously. As you rotate it, take the beaten egg in a glass and start pouring it in slowly where the velocity of the soup in the bowl is the highest, ie the circumference of the whirlpool you create. That’s it let it boil for a while and when it becomes thick enough pour it into a bowl and treat yourself with the best soup you’ll make.

The egg trick I learnt from my cousin and the rest of the ingredients were just random, just put whatever I could find as much I wanted and it turned out quite well. However, this serves only one person. If more number are to be served multiply all the ingredients by that number. :P

Disclaimer: If you screw up and god forbid end up in the toilet for the days to come, don't blame me!.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site... »